How Orbital Reconstruction Can Help Post-Trauma

Eye trauma affects many individuals who are unaware that avoiding an examination or surgery can cost them their eyesight. Therefore, orbital reconstruction can be an important choice for restoring both the function and appearance of the eye socket and surrounding area following a recent traumatic experience.

What Are Some Benefits of Orbital Reconstruction?

Orbital reconstruction is an effective, non-invasive procedure that can improve and restore eye function and the eye’s surrounding structure. Check out several benefits of reconstructive surgery and how it can help preserve eye health.

Improved Vision and Appearance

Improving facial symmetry is ideal for people who have suffered orbital trauma or deformities. It can also preserve or restore eyesight by straightening the eye bones and soft tissues, which the eyes feed off to function.

Relief from Trauma-Related Symptoms

Traumatic eye injuries can lead to pain, anxiety, and functional limitations. Orbital reconstruction lessens the symptoms by fixing the orbital anatomy and relieving pressure on surrounding structures around the eye.

Prevention of Severe Complications

Orbital fractures can give eyes a sunken appearance, cause inward or outward turning of the eyelid, or become painful when trying to lower the eyelids. Therefore, reconstructive surgery and aftercare treatments can prevent or reduce the complications.

Better Quality of Life

Orbital reconstruction can help you gain confidence in your eyesight. Whether it improves your quality of life or self-esteem, it can give you a more positive outlook on your overall physical health.

Long-Term Results

When reconstructive surgery is handled by an experienced, trustworthy professional, it ensures the orbital bones and soft tissues are likely to regain their strength. They have the skill to use an efficient surgical method of aftercare treatment and a surgical method to prevent additional complications from developing.

Schedule an Evaluation Today

At the Central Valley Eye Medical Group, our staff aims to offer patients options after trauma-related experiences that affect their eyesight. Therefore, now is the time to rely on a professional who can perform a surgical procedure efficiently.

If you are experiencing severe eye pain, blurred eyesight, or vision loss and are considering orbital reconstructive surgery, contact our staff by calling 209-952-3700 to schedule an evaluation and discuss your needs. With offices in Stockton, Modesto, and Manteca, you can select the best location for you.

Posted in: Reconstructive Oculoplastic Services


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