Retinal Detachment Can Cause Blindness

Mid woman Reading newspaper with eyeglassesA retinal detachment is not a routine eye medical condition – it’s an outright emergency. Without prompt care, you can lose your vision permanently. This condition occurs when a thin layer of tissue positioned at the back of the eye (the retina) detaches from its intended position. Retinal cells are separated from the blood vessels providing oxygen and nourishment to the eye.

Retinal Detachment Symptoms and Testing

Because retinal detachment is almost painless, the condition goes undetected for too long, and many people don’t seek immediate help. The longer the condition goes undetected and untreated, the affected eye is at great risk of permanent vision loss – blindness.

Vision that is described as a gray curtain moving over your field of eyesight is an early sign that retinal detachment has begun.

Other painless symptoms of worsening retinal detachment include:

  • Sudden decrease in vision
  • Peripheral vision shadows
  • Increase in number and size of floaters
  • Floaters with flashes

Testing for retinal damage include:

  • Retinal response
  • Pupil response
  • Visual acuity testing
  • Ultrasound of the eye

Causes of Retinal Detachment

The normal position of the retina is attached to the clear gel in the middle of the eye – the vitreous. The natural aging process may shrink the vitreous and tug on the retina. This movement of the retina’s nerve cells causes eye flashes.

These tugs may also cause eye fluid to enter the retina, pushing it away from its supporting tissue. This leads to separation and eventual detachment. When the retinal detachment progresses into the central area of the retina – the macula – severe vision loss occurs because the retina is no longer able to transmit light signals to the brain.

Other causes of retinal detachment include:

  • Blunt trauma
  • Advanced diabetic eye disease
  • Severe nearsighted vision

Retinal Detachment Treatment

If your condition is caught early, eye surgery for retinal detachment can be quite successful.

Common surgical procedures include:

  • Laser surgery
  • Cryopexy
  • Pneumatic retinopexy
  • Scleral buckle

Don’t Risk Losing Your Vision

Seek medical attention immediately if you think you may be symptomatic of retinal detachment. Don’t procrastinate. Call 209-952-3700 and reach out to the Central Valley Eye Medical Group today. One of our experienced, board-certified ophthalmologists serving the communities of Stockton, Manteca, or Modesto, CA, can help.

Posted in: Retinal Detachment


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