Cataract Diagnosis & Care
in Stockton, Modesto & Manteca, CA

If you would like to learn more about Cataract Diagnosis & Care
in Stockton, Modesto & Manteca, CA call 1-800-244-9907 to make an appointment at Central Valley Eye Medical Group.
What are cataracts?
A cataract is the gradual clouding of the natural crystalline lens within the eye. When we are born, this natural lens is clear and provides us with crisp, sharp vision. As we age, our natural lens becomes more cloudy and foggy due to alterations in the protein structure in the lens. Initially, these changes do not require any treatment and can be safely observed with routine eye exams with your eyecare professional. Over time, however, the cataract grows and causes blurry vision that affects our normal daily activities. At this point, cataract surgery to exchange the clouded lens with a new, clear, artificial lens is recommended.
Cataracts are the leading cause of blindness worldwide. In the U.S. alone, over 22 million people over the age of 40 are affected by cataracts. As the population ages, this number will continue to grow. At Central Valley Eye, we are dedicated to ensuring this reversible cause of blindness is treated by the best surgeons and the newest technologies in cataract surgery.
What are the risk factors for developing cataracts?
Very rarely, cataracts can develop following eye injury or chronic steroid use, or be related to certain medical conditions. In these rare cases, the cataract can develop quite rapidly, over days or months, or they may be present from birth.