Brow Lift
Gravity is a tireless worker, never taking a day off, always pulling our skin and support tissues downward. This can be especially hard on the upper third of the face as our brows descend and our forehead skin becomes lined. This combination can give others the impression that you’re either really tired, sad, or just perpetually angry. If the brows descend enough, they can actually begin to impinge upon your eyesight.
But a brow lift with Dr. Kimberly Cockerham at Central Valley Eye Medical Group can eliminate the sagging and rejuvenate the upper third of the face.
What Is a Brow Lift?
Brow lifts address aging on the forehead and the brows. This surgery repositions or adjusts the muscles above the eyes and across the forehead to smooth lines and raise the eyebrows. To relieve the tension that creates the 11s, the vertical creases that develop between the eyebrows, Dr. Cockerham relieves the muscles controlling this area.
What Are The Benefits Of A Brow Lift?
Sagging brows can really make a person appear older and tired. Some people are more prone to this sagging simply due to their genes. Others have had too much sun and exposure to the environment and it has taken a toll. This can especially be true here in sunny central California. A brow lift raises sagging brows and makes the patient appear more alert and younger.
Candidates For Brow Lift Surgery
The brows are such a visible area of the face. We know when they’re sagging. It can feel as if they’re descending a bit more every day. Maybe people have asked you if you’re tired although you’re not.
If you’d like to see if a brow lift could help rejuvenate your face, try this test. Stand in front of a mirror and take the lower palms of your hands and place them just above your eyebrows on each side of your head. Now pull those palms up and away from your eyes. What you see is basically what a brow lift will accomplish.
How Are Brow Lifts Done?
Dr. Cockerham uses two methods for most of our brow lifts, coronal or endoscopic brow lifts. Endoscopic methods create smaller incisions, but may not deliver the amount of adjustment necessary for all patients. There is a possibility that some patients could have a third method, the direct brow lift.
Coronal brow lift
— This is also known as the “traditional” brow lift. It involves a single coronal (think of it as the shape of a pair of headphones) incision that runs from one ear, wraps up around the forehead, and terminates at the other ear. This incision is hidden within the hairline. The forehead skin is lifted away and underlying muscles are trimmed and repositioned as appropriate. If necessary, the eyebrows may be lifted. The final step is to trim excess skin. Then the skin in re-draped and the incision is closed.
Endoscopic brow lift
— Thanks to continuing improvements in technology, the endoscopic brow lift is becoming the method of choice. In this method, three to five short incisions are made within the hairline. An endoscope, a tiny instrument with a camera on the end, is inserted into one of the incisions. This provides Dr. Cockerham with excellent visuals of the area to be addressed without the need for the longer coronal incision. Tools are inserted into the other small incisions to manipulate the skin and muscles. As you would expect, scarring is minimal if the endoscopic method can be used.
Direct brow lift
— There is a possibility the patient could be right for a direct brow lift. This method involves the removal of skin right above the eyebrows. The incision is hidden in the eyebrows. This type of brow lift is usually only an option for men with very thick eyebrows.
Chemical Brow Lifts
– A chemical brow lift, produced by Botox or Dysport, can correct some forms of droopy brows. Dr. Cockerham will relax the muscles that cause the brow droop allowing your brows to elevate. However, not all cases of brow droop can be corrected with Botox or Dysport.
Recovery After Brow Lift Surgery
Dr. Cockerham repositions surface skin and support tissues. This causes some tissue trauma, which will lead to some swelling and bruising. There is a good possibility your bruising can migrate down into your cheeks and possibly around your eyes to some degree. While unpleasant, this should run its course in a week to 10 days. To mitigate some of this, in your recovery instructions we advise patients to keep their head elevated (above the level of the torso) for the first two or three days after surgery, even while sleeping.
Traditional brow lifts involve more numbness and discomfort along the incision. Initial numbness will be replaced by itching that can last up to six months. Often, the hair near the incision will fall out or thin, but normal hair growth should return within weeks or a few months.
Endoscopic brow lifts will also involve some numbness due to the tissue manipulation, but there is far less itching than traditional methods. This is because the incisions are minimal compared with the traditional method.
Most patients can return to work within 10 days, but heavy lifting and vigorous exercise will need to wait for around one month. This isn’t an arbitrary thing — you need to avoid increasing blood pressure to the face.
Schedule Your Consultation Today!
Seeking a Brow Lift in Stockton, Manteca, or Modesto, California? Call 1.800.244.9907 to schedule a consultation today!