Comprehensive Eye Exams in Stockton, Modesto, & Manteca, CA

Comprehensive Eye Exams Stockton CA

Comprehensive Eye Exams at Central Valley Eye

We know your vision is important to you – and it’s important to us. Central Valley Eye Medical Group provides comprehensive eye examinations for both adults and children. We make sure to schedule ample time for your appointment so you will never feel rushed. Our office provides complete eye care for both adults and children.

Our eye examinations will check your eyes inside and out for any potential eye disorders or diseases. Some eye diseases, such as glaucoma and macular degeneration, can result in serious vision loss if not detected and treated early. Often patients with these diseases don’t experience any visual symptoms before vision loss occurs. Your visual skills and abilities are carefully evaluated and appropriate treatment is prescribed, whether it’s medication, lenses, or vision therapy.

If you are over 35, you should have a comprehensive eye exam every two years. Patients over 65 or with a family history of glaucoma, diabetes, or diabetic retinopathy should have a yearly eye exam.

We are prepared to handle whatever your eye care needs are, and will treat them with the latest in diagnostic equipment and are committed to keeping up with eye care technology.

What to Expect at Your Eye Exam

Your doctor will most likely dilate the pupils of your eyes, in order to better see the retina at the back of your eye. You may want to consider making transportation arrangements, as your vision may be blurry for a few hours after dilating.

Your exam may include the following:

Comprehensive Eye Exams Manteca CA

  • Visual acuity or refraction test to determine the degree to which you may be nearsighted, farsighted, or have astigmatism.
  • Muscle function test to check the movement of your eyes in each direction and at specified angles. This test will identify any muscle weakness or involuntary eye movement.
  • Binocular vision skills assessment to ensure that your eyes work together properly as a team. This is important for proper depth perception, eye muscle coordination, and the ability to change focus from near to far objects.
  • Comprehensive Eye Exams Modesto CAVisual field test to measure your peripheral vision, the width of the area you can see when you´re looking straight ahead. This test may also detect diseases of the eyes or neurological disorders.
  • Eye pressure test. Your doctor may administer one or more tests to evaluate your intraocular pressure. High intraocular pressure may be a sign of glaucoma.
  • Color vision screening to see if you perceive colors properly.
  • Eye health assessment using an ophthalmoscope. This tool allows the doctor to evaluate your pupil responses, optic nerve, retina, cornea, and lens.

Patient Testimonials

“This Dr. Is outstanding. If you need eye surgery she is the person to see. The real deal, fast, did a wonderful procedure on me. Eyes look great, vision is vastly improved. I really enjoyed the whole experience.”
– Hank D.

“I have been seeing Dr. Cockerham for some time now, and the care and consideration I receive from her every time has been excellent! I don’t generally leave reviews, but sometimes great care needs to be acknowledged. Trusting my doctor is huge, and I do trust Dr. Cockerham in the info she gives me and her thoughts on the best procedures.”
– C Chasein.

Schedule Your Appointment Today!

To learn more about a comprehensive eye exam in Stockton, Manteca, and Modesto, CA please call 1.800.244.9907 to schedule an appointment with one of our providers. Your consultation with an experienced physician and board-certified ophthalmologists a meaningful step toward your best vision.


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